Friday, December 14, 2007


Well with all these blizzards, floods and Ice storms ive decided my hot wife and I will just head off to St Thomas for a week, so please try to hold things together while we are gone...... see ya

Friday, December 7, 2007

new low

Wow, feel a little pathetic today.... sign into yahoo, glance at the headlines, paris is a slut, brittany is a ho, boy kills 8 in a the button for yahoo finance, my stock is doing ok, log out.... never even read about those tragic deaths, has mass murder become so common? have I become so insensitive? is it christmas time? where is John Wayne, J Kennedy, and Jimmy Stewart when you need them?
and I actually AM santa claus........

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Yesterday I had the luck of getting to drive through a hundred yr flood in the dark (280 miles) I kinda thought it was cool but the wife seemed a little bit nervous, I know people watch TV and think anyone out in that crap is stupid but Caron and I have an awesome memory now of the challenge we succeeded at, we, together made that flood our bitch....... and yes we are still alive, we wondered though where the Washington national guard was in this state of emergency....but then realized that rather than being in Washington state, the state that pays for them, they are safeguarding someone in the middle Easts freedom, so who cares about us citizens and their homes and safety when a near third world country over seas ( that will never take care of the freedom we give them and slip back into dictatorship within 10yrs) need them there who oppress who put guns in the hands of children....women who stand for who stand for it.....tyrants.... and the citizens who will not fight for their own quality of life......cowards... tyranny doe not exist in societies with integrity and spirit, you cannot covet your own life and freedom...the two cannot coexist

Monday, December 3, 2007

The sky is falling!!!

Wow, it seems the crappy weather I had in alaska has followed me home. Nothing but rain and wind, 4inches of rain and 40-65 mph winds and I have to drive to Seattle this afternoon. Road closures and state of emergencys everywhere, this is going to be interesting!!!