Friday, April 27, 2007

Far too stupid to understand

The rose, ah, the symbol of love, every one has its thorns ya know.......bullshit
The rose gets far too much press, I myself would hate a love symbolized by a rose. Roses die, trust me, the 75 bucks worth of flowers on my wifes desk prove day, DEAD (hope our love lasts longer)
Roses are weak, expensive, over done and worn out. I introduce my symbol of love.......the dandylion.
Dandylions can survive anything, heat, cold, lawn mowers, ortho round-up, what a stud of a flower!!!! What? you call it a weed, an invasive species? well isnt love an invasive species? I used to have my own pad, GONE, I used to spend my own money,Gone gone gone, I even tried to kill our love, but it survived, yes the dandylionis definately the crest of my marriage. Even when the flower is gone seeds appear, springing forth ten times more dandylions than before, if unhinderd they would envelop the world, just like love, undestroyed. So, if you truely love someone tommorrow give them a batch of this resiliant little weed and see if the person you love is deep enough to get it..........or dump them.


* said...
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* said...

or we could just put a copy of your defintion on a little card with the :P honesty is so refreshing these