Thursday, April 26, 2007

Keep your handi-capable child out of my life!!!!!!

Yesterday as I walked out of the grocery I saw a young man in the stores work attire push a cart directly into my passat, I just about lost it! I raced forward to confront and brace this moron he turned to face me and I was abruptly stopped, The booger trail and No.3 ceasar haircut instantly Identified him as one of the stores "special needs" employees (destroying overpriced german cars) Ok so I admit Im one of those people,You know, the guy who bought a vw becouse he could not afford a benz. And I listen to Bob Dylan while smoking Marb reds cause I think Im cool or something. (my other car is a crap 89 bronco though, street cred?) So I approached slowly and of course faked like it wasnt my car and did a lap to avoid him as not to embarrass the man who just creamed my auto. But in hindsight Im pissed that I had to avoid this interaction becouse he may be of diminished capacity or easy to upset, screw that!!!! I am tired of waiting in the coffe line or drive through cause some idiot thought it was a good idea to put an elderly person or handi-capable person there during rush time. I understand promoting people to work but dammit parents quit lying to your children!!! You cannot do anything you put your mind to! You cannot be a marine welder if you have asmha, if you weigh 300 lbs you cannot be an olympic sprinter, felons cannot be cops (they can however be politicans) Hillary Clinton cannot be president! Its a fact, You cannot be "anything" you want. So I have made a list of the Jobs these people can do.
1. Road work shovel guy.
2. President
3. realtor
4. suicide bomber
5. High school gym teacher (pay back time bitches!!!)
6. purfume sniper at wal-mart
7. food sample guy at costco
8. us ambassador to Poland
9. my cell phone providers operater ( hey if they speak english well that would kick butt!!)
10. Vice president

So in closing, I feel better! this blogging rules!!!!


* said...

sometimes i agree with you :D

Sara Sue said...

Too true, D! The stores here all have the *handicapable* kids bagging groceries and frankly they suck at it! I won't eat in a restaurant where they have working ... sorry ... but I once saw one scratching his ass as he scooped up fries. No thanks.

Homer Simpson said...

Thanks for your hiking advice. My biggest obstacle is my knees.

And I agree, Hillary can't be president, I think it is in the Constitution.

Living one day at a time said...

I think bill said she could be cause she doesn't suck.
Thanks D for your comment on my blog. Wow same name same birth sign, kind of freaky.